Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachyate,
Purnasya Purnamadaya Purnamewa Awashishyate,
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
These are the opening lines of Ishavyasa are also called the syllables of peace or the'' Shanti Mantra.''The Upanishads as a rule begin and end with the Shanti Mantra
Upa means near ,ni means to learn,shad to sit.The ancient rishis dedicated their lives in search of the supreme truth and passed on this knowledge they acquired to their disciples who sat at the feet of their master
The mantra meaning is as follows
''This is full and that is full
This full has come from that full and even when full is deducted from full, full alone remains''
Purna means full,full also means complete,which implies infinity.
The beginning and end of infinity is unknown,it is endless[Ananta] .It is also Akhanda, cannot be divided and remains one complete entity
There are two forms of existence, one which is visible and manifest universe [Vyakta] It can be seen ,known and recognized
The other form is unmanifest ,invisble and unknown to us.
The endless galaxy of stars and planets means IDAM, this manifested universe . The ADAHA ,the unmanifest universe or Avyakta is uniquely supreme in its singleness and unequalled in its real unity. T he other form of existence is unmanifest, indivisible and unknown , is also boundless and has no limitations. From that infinite universe this finite universe has come up
What is seen by us is the evolved form of that unevolved reality which is yet to come
Our universe is the outcome of that manifest Prakruti ,then also the unmanifest remains unaltered
Throughout the Upanishads there is a search for the ultimate knowledge or the Brahman, Adwait and Atman which implies Infinity
We are a part of the Purna Brahman as we have come from that reality
Finally we shall merge into that reality
We are the indivisible and endless SAT
Great and very informative God bless you !!!