Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hari om
Swami Satyananda had once saidLike the rays of the moonThe light of yoga is expandingAll the religions beliefs and sectsAre receiving shelterUnder the kalpataru of yogaTowards the evolution of consciousness Yoga has done unforgettable work.

Yoga  will become tomorrow 's culture
And will show a new way of life to mankind.
Today on June 21 as the world celebrates International Yoga Day ,
We the proud followers of Satyananda Yoga, today are the witness to our Param Guruji's'prophecy proving true to each word
Both the years I was very enthusiastic about celebrating this day
I am Gita Shah Mantrasagar , working for last 13 years with Rajesh Kumar Swami Bhargava in the field of yoga
From the childhood yoga has attracted me immensely as a part Of our rich heritage handed over from ancient times by the rishis
Also was very lucky to have it as a subject during school days but it became a passion once introduced to Bihar School of yoga
Am Mantrasagar initiated by Swami Niranjananand in Mantra ,Jigyasu and Karma diksha
Celebration of International Yoga Day this year seemed to be Pretty tough as I happened to fracture my right arm radius on June 15, just 5 days before June 21 !!!

The usual status of the class would be around twenty people in the Garware Club House but the management promptly offered a bigger banquet hall for the special yoga day and 40people Attended. this event.
Remembering the Guru and God , began the class at 7.45 am with Om chanting
Shanti path and Mahamrityunjaya jaap and Gayatri Mantra and 32 names of Durga
Looking at new faces first Explained the meaning of the word YOGA
For the benefit of the regular students, added the eight limbs of yoga of Sage Patanjali Yama Niyama , Asana, Pranayama , Pratyahara, Dharna ,Dhyana and  Samadhi detailing,, each limb and it's effect on the holistic development of an individual giving example of Mahatma Gandhi adopting Truth and Ahimsa throughout his life
Began asana practice for opening the energy blockages at various joints
Practice of ankle rotation
Half and full butterfly for hip jointsShoulder rotation for relieving stress from upper back and shoulders ,opening of chest for proper respirationAll movements of the neck joint    Explained six major movements of the spine with model asanas           Tadasana stretching of the spinal cord.

Triaktadasana which is example of lateral stretching Of the spine ,sideways bending on each side.
KatiChakrasana the twisting of spinal cord.
Inverted state of spine Vipareetkarniasana.
Bhujangasana backward bending..
Paschimotanasana forward bending
Three rounds of Surya Namaskar
First round with the mantras
Second with breath awareness
Third round with Normal breathing as fast as one can , according to one's own pace and comfort.
Yoga Nidra& Antarmouna meditation.
Six main Pranayama techniques with explanation and demonstration and information about their benefits and precautions.
Nadi Shodhan for purifying 72000 channels and balancing the two energies ,solar and lunar,bringing about harmony between physical and mental energies Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Sheetali Pranayama is the cooling breath and Sheetkari pranayama is hissing breath
Both practices cool the body and reduce mental and emotional excitation ,encourages free flow of Prana.
Brahmri Pranayama the humming bee breath technique relieves stress ,cerebral tension and alleviates anger anxiety and insomnia.
Ujjayi pranayama. means victorious , gives freedom from bondage, The psychic breath leading to subtle state
Bhastrika pranayama , the Forceful dynamic inhalation and exhalation produces Inner
Heat at both physical and subtle levels.
Kapalbhati , the forceful exhalation ,the practice brings clarity and light at frontal head region.

Three times om chanting
Shanti path
Sent from my iPad


Hari om
Swami Satyananda had once saidLike the rays of the moonThe light of yoga is expandingAll the religions beliefs and sectsAre receiving shelterUnder the kalpataru of yogaTowards the evolution of consciousness Yoga has done unforgettable work.

Yoga  will become tomorrow 's culture
And will show a new way of life to mankind.
Today on June 21 as the world celebrates International Yoga Day ,
We the proud followers of Satyananda Yoga, today are the witness to our Param Guruji's'prophecy proving true to each word
Both the years I was very enthusiastic about celebrating this day
I am Gita Shah Mantrasagar , working for last 13 years with Rajesh Kumar Swami Bhargava in the field of yoga
From the childhood yoga has attracted me immensely as a part Of our rich heritage handed over from ancient times by the rishis
Also was very lucky to have it as a subject during school days but it became a passion once introduced to Bihar School of yoga
Am Mantrasagar initiated by Swami Niranjananand in Mantra ,Jigyasu and Karma diksha
Celebration of International Yoga Day this year seemed to be Pretty tough as I happened to fracture my right arm radius on June 15, just 5 days before June 21 !!!

The usual status of the class would be around twenty people in the Garware Club House but the management promptly offered a bigger banquet hall for the special yoga day and 40people Attended. this event.
Remembering the Guru and God , began the class at 7.45 am with Om chanting
Shanti path and Mahamrityunjaya jaap and Gayatri Mantra and 32 names of Durga
Looking at new faces first Explained the meaning of the word YOGA
For the benefit of the regular students, added the eight limbs of yoga of Sage Patanjali Yama Niyama , Asana, Pranayama , Pratyahara, Dharna ,Dhyana and  Samadhi detailing,, each limb and it's effect on the holistic development of an individual giving example of Mahatma Gandhi adopting Truth and Ahimsa throughout his life
Began asana practice for opening the energy blockages at various joints
Practice of ankle rotation
Half and full butterfly for hip jointsShoulder rotation for relieving stress from upper back and shoulders ,opening of chest for proper respirationAll movements of the neck joint    Explained six major movements of the spine with model asanas           Tadasana stretching of the spinal cord.

Triaktadasana which is example of lateral stretching Of the spine ,sideways bending on each side.
KatiChakrasana the twisting of spinal cord.
Inverted state of spine Vipareetkarniasana.
Bhujangasana backward bending..
Paschimotanasana forward bending
Three rounds of Surya Namaskar
First round with the mantras
Second with breath awareness
Third round with Normal breathing as fast as one can , according to one's own pace and comfort.
Yoga Nidra& Antarmouna meditation.
Six main Pranayama techniques with explanation and demonstration and information about their benefits and precautions.
Nadi Shodhan for purifying 72000 channels and balancing the two energies ,solar and lunar,bringing about harmony between physical and mental energies Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Sheetali Pranayama is the cooling breath and Sheetkari pranayama is hissing breath
Both practices cool the body and reduce mental and emotional excitation ,encourages free flow of Prana.
Brahmri Pranayama the humming bee breath technique relieves stress ,cerebral tension and alleviates anger anxiety and insomnia.
Ujjayi pranayama. means victorious , gives freedom from bondage, The psychic breath leading to subtle state
Bhastrika pranayama , the Forceful dynamic inhalation and exhalation produces Inner
Heat at both physical and subtle levels.
Kapalbhati , the forceful exhalation ,the practice brings clarity and light at frontal head region.

Three times om chanting
Shanti path
Sent from my iPad